Wizards of the Coast should hire you. This just screams Magic.
Looks awesome
Wizards of the Coast should hire you. This just screams Magic.
Looks awesome
Hah, thanks! I'll eventually contact them about it. Right now I'm focusing on getting better and getting more work experience before I email Wizards my portfolio. I want to make a good first impression :)
Hot Damn Yurg. I love your stuff. It just seems so unique in a way i dunno how to describe.
It's like avant garde, but in a "Fuck your concept of interpretation" kinda way. I love it.
You ever frame/spray any of it? I'm curious what it would look like on a wall somewhere.
Watercolors are cool. I like how it looks pretty on one side and then dark on the other, like its 2 worlds in transition from day to night.
Should be a tattoo
An excellent Tattoo idea, noone would question it.
2 people have it as a tattoo already
Joined on 4/4/05